Morning Star Brunch Pop-Up
Morning Star is a culinary musical experience for the people, featuring a Mediterranean take on brunch by international chef, Tarik Abdullah.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Chef T during a few Food & Sh*t pop-ups this past year. I also often run into him riding his bike around the Soufend. And every time I run into him, he is literally always on his way to do something else amazing with food - like teaching cooking classes to kids, or carrying 10 boxes of supplies to bring to his next pop-up, or prepping for a special event he’s donating food to. Needless to say, Tarik is a man of food for the people.
So if you like good food, good music and good company - definitely check out Morning Star brunch this Sunday, November 8 from 11am-3pm at Bannister in the Central District. If you can’t make it, watch Tarik host Vice’s Munchies (Guide to Seattle) here, and then go to the next one!
Next Morning Star Brunch Pop-Up:
Sunday, November 8, 11am-3pm
1408 18th Ave, Seattle, WA (Bannister Event Space)
...and every other Sunday after that.