Things From My Kitchen in 2016

I like food. I like eating it, photographing it, cooking it, pooping it. Food is a pretty big deal to me. And probably to you too since we all have to eat it to literally stay alive. 

There's something very fascinating (and satisfying) when you get to eat what you cook. My real interest in food comes from within my kitchen, my ingredients, my family, my culture and how this everyday thing can teach me (read: us) a lot about where we come from, how we've adapted, and where we're headed. Plus, when we live in a world that's so busy we can get food delivered by an app or have dinner pre-assembled in a box, going to the grocery store and cooking at home just feels good. And it's more cost-effective tbh.

These are just a few select photos I've taken in my kitchen this past year. Don't ask me for recipes. I am terrible at documenting and measuring what I cook. Everything is from scratch and usually on a whim - just like my mom hehe. I ain't a chef, I just cook a lot.

I can say a little bit more about each of these things, but I'll get to that later. In the mean time, you can check out even more things from my kitchen on Instagram.