You've got a lot of applications on your hands, so in the appropriate fashion of an online article designed to keep your 60-second internet attention span, here's three reasons why you should at least invite me to an on-site interview:
1. I have the skills and expertise. I've spent the past three years working as a content creator, online marketer and social media account manager for multiple small businesses like Hood Famous Bakeshop, Salted Sea, and Make Look Good. This includes website management, copywriting email newsletters, and designing online marketing campaigns from scratch to post, all while adapting to each brand.
2. I have the experience. My background as a graphic designer for the past 10 years lends itself perfectly to what MOHAI needs—a well-rounded communicator that happens to specialize digitally. Growing up in the internet era doesn't hurt either. This kind of work has a science to it but also requires an intuitive approach to interaction and engagement. That I’ve got.
3. You need a Digital Media Specialist that can uphold the museum's mission. As a Puget Sound resident for 92.8% of my life, my appreciation for the MOHAI goes well beyond just another museum to visit. Seattle is changing. Fast. But that’s what innovative and imaginative cities do. If I could play a role in preserving artifacts, sharing history and bridging that to this city's future, I’d be happiest to do it with the MOHAI.
With that said, you can download my current resume, see some of my work, and contact me if there is any interest in learning more about how I can be your Digital Media Specialist.
Thank you for your time!